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This Mini Series is An Eclectic Collection of Ideas


This mini-series is inspired by how our life, our moods, and our inspiration is constantly changing and evolving from one day to the next. We wanted to have an ongoing project where experimentation and playfulness could blossom. Each of us starts by creating a series of ten images with a consistent theme. Following this, we then give these ten to one another to complete. There are no rules to this series, there are no set plans or preliminary sketches. We wanted each little series to be fluid and unconfined. What we're left with is a collection of artwork that encompasses who we were at the time of the production, what we were thinking of, and what inspired us.

Take Ten: A Mini Series: Text


A foggy walk along Georgian Bay. Picking up sticks and stones and thinking about how those words will always hurt me. 

Unexplainable emotion, energy. The feeling was heavier like how you feel on a misty rainy day.

Take Ten: A Mini Series: Text
Take Ten: A Mini Series: Pro Gallery


They grew with no expectations at all.  They grew wild and plentiful under the hydro lines. And, you followed me there and I picked them, unapologetically. 

It was a dewy morning, water droplets were catching the light and colour bounced all around.

Take Ten: A Mini Series: Text
Take Ten: A Mini Series: Pro Gallery


I was thinking about what the moon and the sun see and talk about as they pass by each other. 

I wanted to capture that fleeting moment when the sun glitters on the open water and for a minute you believe in magic again. I wanted to make it shine.

Take Ten: A Mini Series: Text
Take Ten: A Mini Series: Pro Gallery
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